
Jonathan Hunt

Jonathan Hunt is a Senior Web Developer at Catalyst IT with an interest in open data and cultural heritage. His recent linked data experience includes the University of Canterbury QuakeStudies archive, and implementing aspects of the Records in Context ontology for Archives Central.

Catch me at Kohacon20

Day 5: Workshops, 10:30am-12:00pm and 1:30-3:30pm: Linked Data (in-person, Pipitea Room)

A gentle introduction to linked data concepts (see also semantic web or knowledge graphs). What is linked data and why is it relevant? How does it work and who is using it? How can I query a knowledge graph. How is Wikidata relevant to libraries, and what applications should I know about? Participants will benefit from an internet connected device with web browser, with some exercises involving some light typing. No programming is required. The workshop is not Koha specific.

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